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Buyer Information

Funds at Closing

From You: Please wire your closing proceeds for closing.  Contact our office via a telephone number obtained independent of an email or wiring instructions and verify the instructions prior to initiating the wire.  



All wire transfers must be confirmed via telephone verification with Tracey Reynolds Attorney at Law PRIOR TO initiating the wire transfer to prevent fraudulent transactions. Please make sure to obtain the telephone number for Tracey Reynolds Attorney at Law from an independent source than the wiring instructions or email/facsimile. Wire fraud and email hacking/phishing attacks are on the increase. Hackers/Phishers send scam emails appearing to be from the attorney's office to route the wire for closing to the wrong account.

Phishers are very good at what they do, and most malicious messages now contain convincing brand logos, language, titles of key leaders and email addresses that may look valid. Be skeptical when reading your email messages.